I have a large hill in my back yard that I could not grow grass on because all the water ran off of it. It’s a major portion of our yard and it was causing water problems to the rest of my yard. After one season of using Earth Right ™ my clay soil has started to convert to healthy, rich soil and the water is absorbing into the turf and staying on the hill. With the help of some good grass seed and Earth Right ™ my hill now has beautiful turf and I have less water problems on my entire lawn. The drainage throughout my lawn has improved tremendously and I get less problems with “standing water” and have better turf without having to water so much. This stuff is natural, I don’t have to worry about it hurting the kids, I use less fertilizer and my grass and plants grow better. It’s easy to spray with the hose and makes a big difference on my whole lawn. You can’t go wrong with Earth Right ™!
Jack B. Baker, Personal Gardener
![You can’t go wrong with Earth Right ™](http://superlawnstuff.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/grass-striped.jpg)